Mass Save Heat Loan Program for Homeowners
Heating and cooling systems are extremely beneficial when you are
experiencing adverse weather conditions. Heating and cooling systems can help
us beat the scorching heat in the summer and the chill
during the winter. However, rising energy bills are a huge burden to many
people. Heating and cooling systems consume a lot of energy.
However, with technological advancements, energy efficient systems are
now a reality. For example, there are now solar water heating systems available.
There is also insulation available for attics and basements; insulation
significantly reduces the need for heating and cooling services. Beantown AC
can provide you with energy-efficient heating and cooling systems.
Changes in the System
However, what do you do if the house is old? If the heating and
cooling systems are also old and devoid of the energy-efficient advancements,
then you can look into the Mass Save HEAT Loan program. The Mass Save HEAT
Loan program offers people a loan of up to $25,000 for the installation of
qualified energy-efficient improvements in their homes. This loan is a 0%
interest loan, for a period of 7 years.
This Mass Save HEAT Loan program is funded by various organizationslike National Grid, NSTAR, Liberty Utilities and other organizations. These
organizations buy the interest on the loan. This results in a 0% interest loan for
the end customer. You can apply for the Mass Save HEAT Loan to save energy. At
the same time, you can also cut down on your electricity bills. Beantown AC can
help you with installation, servicing, and repairs for your heating and cooling
Applying for the Loan
Before homeowners apply for the loan, they must conduct a no-cost
home energy assessment program. The loan packet will then be provided post
After this, you can make the required changes in your home to save energy.
At the same time, you can ensure that you have an efficient heating and cooling
If you need installation, updates or work for your home’s heating
and/or cooling, visit Beantown AC’s website and learn more at
In this blog, you are talking about A.C. & Heating Repair Services. Get your Heating and Cooling in Hamilton offering by B & G Heating Air Conditioning & Ventilation. Call us at: (905) 574-8747 to get your services.